Bible Study 19

  1. What is the meaning of the word ‘devil’?
    Diabolus, meaning, to traduce, wilfully to misrepresent, to present as blameable.
  2. What other names are commonly applied to the devil?
    Satan, an opponent; adversary, one opposed; prince of the power of the air – Ephesians 2;2
    Prince of the world – John 14:30
  3. What experience did Jesus say Satan had had?
    Luke 10:18
  4. Who was he before he fell from heaven?
    Ezekiel 28:12-15
  5. Who is meant by the pronoun ‘I’ of Ezekiel 28 verse 14?
    The Creator, Christ.
    John 1:1-3
  6. What ambition came with Satan’s self-overestimation?
    Isaiah 14:12-14
  7. Whose place was he planning to have?
    Christ’s place, the only one like God.
    Hebrews 1:2-4
  8. By what means did he seek to get Christ out of that place to make room for himself?
    John 8:44
  9. What other efforts did Satan make to overthrow Christ and take the government?
    Revelation 12:7-8
  10. How many angels joined with the devil in this rebellion against the ways of heaven?
    The third part.
    Revelation 12:4
    ‘Beside his own dark influence, the Scripture discloses to us the fact that Satan is the leader of a host of evil spirits or angels who share his evil work, and for whom the ‘everlasting fire is prepared.’ … One passage identifies them distinctly with the ‘devils’ who had power to possess the souls of men… They are mostly spoken of in Scripture in reference to possession; but in Ephesians 6:12 they are described in various lights as ‘principalities,’ ‘powers,’ ‘rulers of the darkness of this world,’ and ‘spiritual powers of wickedness in heavenly places’; and in all as ‘wrestling against the souls of men.” Smith’s ‘Dictionary of the Bible,’ article ‘Satan.’
  11. To what place were these rebellious ones cast?
    Hell (Greek, Tartaros), the regions of darkness surrounding planets.
    2 Peter 2:4
  12. What did he and the angels who followed him finally do?
    Jude 6:2
    2 Peter 3:7
  13. What planet finally became the headquarters for these fallen ones?
    Revelation 12;9
    ‘the facts of history concur with the statements of revelation in forcing upon us the unwelcome conviction that the human race is subject to the malevolent influence of an organized and all-pervading demonism. Alike in the career of nations and in the phenomena of personal destiny the presence of demoniacal skill and power is often prominent, frequently dominant, always evil.’ – E A Stockman in ‘Footprints of Angels in Fields of Revelation.’
  14. What are these fallen ones doing now?
    1 Peter 5:8
    Revelation 12:12