God our Creator

Jesus Christ our Saviour

The Holy Spirit our Comforter

Salvation by grace through faith

The Bible our guide

The imminent return of our Lord

The Ten Commandments and the example of Jesus as our standard of conduct.

The seventh day as god’s Sabbath, form sunset Friday until sunset Saturday

The gifts of the Holy Spirit to the church

Healthful living, remembering that our bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost

The mortality of man and resurrection of the saved to eternal life at Christ’s return

Observing the Ordinance of Humility and Lord’s Supper

Baptism by immersion

The return of one-tenth of our income to the Lord

The support of the Gospel by willing missionary service and gifts as the Lord prospers us

Avoiding worldliness in our deportment, recreation, and attire

Loyalty to the church and its organization, refraining from any word or deed that might tarnish its fair name