Bible Study 2

  1. What is the natural state of everyone?
    Romans 3:23
    ‘The best obedience of mere man must leave him under condemnation; and the higher any man’s confidence is, that he has kept all the commandments, or any of them, the more clearly does it appear that he wants understanding as to the spiritual meaning of them; and that he is a stranger to repentance, to faith, to his own real character and heart, and his need of a gratuitous salvation.’ – Scott in Commentary on Luke 18.
  2. How much of our nature is sold to sin?
    Romans 7-14, 18
  3. How many parts make up the nature?
    Body, soul, spirit – physical, mental, and moral.
    1 Thessalonians 5:23
  4. Does any part of this threefold nature perfectly meet the mind of the Creator?
    All are sold to sin.
    Romans 3:10-19
    Romans 8:7
  5. Will hatred of sin save us from it?
    Romans 7:15
    Acts 3:19
    ‘There is no evidence of genuine repentance, unless it works reformation. If he restores the pledge, give again that he had robbed, confess his sins, and love God and his fellow-men, the sinner may be sure that he has passed from death unto life.’ – Mrs E G White in ‘Steps to Christ.’
  6. Who is the only Deliverer?
    Matthew 1:21
    Acts 4:12
    ‘Apart from Christ, there is no hope for the human race. Men have battled sin in their own strength for millenniums, but sin has come out victorious. There is no help for sin from any himan source. Thee is help and hope only in God.’ M L Andreason in ‘The Faith of Jesus and the Commandments of God.’
  7. What new power does the Saviour bring to sin-marred souls?
    Matthew 1:23
    Ephesians 3:17
  8. By God’s dwelling in flesh, what was seen instead of sin?
    John 1;14 (Compare 1 Timothy 3:16)
  9. When we truly believe and receive Jesus, what comes into our flesh?
    Power – John 1:12-13
    Father and Son – John 14:23
    Holy Spirit – John 14:17
  10. When does the transformation begin?
    Understanding enlightened – Ephesians 1:17-18
    Spiritual part of the mind – Ephesians 4:23
    Renewing of the mind – Romans 12:2
  11. What is then demonstrated in the flesh?
    Colossians 1:27
  12. What divine relationship is thus restored?
    Romans 8:14
    2 Corinthians 6:17-18
    ‘Said Luther: ‘Learn to know Christ and Him crucified. Learn to sing a new song – to despair of your own works, and to cry unto Him, Lord Jesus, Thou art my righteousness, and I am Thy sin. Thou hast taken upon Thee what was mine, and given to me what was Thine; what Thou wast not Thou becamest, that I might become what I was not. ” – D’Aubigne’s ‘History of the Reformation.’
  13. What are three essential steps in salvation?
    Belief – Acts 16:31-32. John 3:16
    New Birth – John 3:3-5
    New life of obedience – Matthew 19:16-17, 21. Matthew 19:29
    To put it a little more fully we may say, ‘The seven steps in conversion are (1) Recognition of sin; (2) Sorrow for sin; (3) Confession of sin; (4) Restoration of that which has been unjustly obtained; (5) Faith in God; (6) Public acknowledgement of changed relations; (7) Abstinence from sin.’ – M L Andreason in ‘The Faith of Jesus and Commandments of God.’