Bible Study 23

  1. What will Christ bestow at His coming?
    Matthew 16:27
    Revelation 22:12
  2. What is the basis of judgment in each case?
    Revelation 20:12
  3. How many books are referred to in the Bible?
    Malachi 3:16 – Book of Remembrance of Good Deeds.
    Jeremiah 2:22 – Book of Iniquity.
    Psalms 139:15-16 – Book of Individual Description.
    Matthew 10:30 – Hairs numbered.
    Psalms 87:4-6 – Place of Birth.
    Revelation 20:12 – Book of Life.
  4. Who are candidates for eternal life?
    John 3:36
    ‘The Supreme Court of the Universe is even now handing down its final decisions for life or death. Christ is even today separating those who, by patient continuance in well-doing, seek for glory, and honour, and immortality, from those who are contentious and obey not the truth, but obey unrighteousness. He is even now drawing the dividing line, which place the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left.’ – J L Shuler in ‘The Great Judgment Day.’
  5. In whose presence is the examination of books made?
    Daniel 7:9-10
  6. Who is the advocate of mediator?
    1 John 2:1
    1 Timothy 2:5
  7. Who are the witnesses in God’s presence?
    Matthew 18:10
  8. By what standard will all be judged?
    James 2:12
  9. What law is the law of liberty?
    James 2:11
  10. What class will be called first?
    1 Peter 4:17
  11. Will all who begin the Christian life be saved?
    Matthew 24:13
    Hebrews 3:14
  12. If the books of record show that one failed to overcome, what will be his doom?
    Ezekiel 18:24
    Ezekiel 33:12-13
  13. What will be done to the name in the book of life?
    Exodus 32:33
    Psalms 69:28
    Revelation 3:5
  14. What will Jesus do when this occurs?
    Matthew 10:33
  15. If records show faithfulness to the end, what will Jesus do?
    Matthew 10:32
  16. What is done to this name in the book of life?
    Revelation 3:5
  17. What are blotted out?
    Acts 3:19
    ‘It is evident that there must be investigation and decision in judgment before the execution of judgment can take place. That there is to be an investigation of personal cases, and a decision, is very clearly taught in the Scriptures. (Revelation 20:11-13.) That there is a blotting out of sins for some, and a blotting out of names for others, is also plainly stated.
    ‘The judgment in its investigative phase takes place while Christ still mediates for sinners, but with its close Christ’s mediatorial work for sinners will also close. Thereafter He will appear with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment upon all. (Jude 14, 15.)
    ‘When the investigative phase of the judgment is finished, and the sins of God’s people have been blotted from the books of record in heaven, and when our High Priest has with His own blood cleansed or justified the sanctuary, then He will put the sins that have defiled the sanctuary upon their originator, whose power will be broken, whose reign will be ended, and who will finally perish in the fires that purify the earth. The end of those sins is in the fire of the last day, at the close the one thousand years, when Satan, sin, sinners, and death will come to their utter end. Then affliction will never again rise up to blight and curse the fair creation of God.’ – C H Watson in ‘The Atoning Work of Christ.’
  18. How many have sinned?
    Romans 3:23
  19. How only can the sinner escape the death penalty?
    1 John 1:9
  20. In view of this solemn investigation, what is our duty?
    Ecclesiastes 12:13-14