Bible Study 13

  1. What did Daniel see in vision?
    Daniel 7:1-7
  2. What did these symbols mean?
    ‘Wind’ means strife.
    Jeremiah 25:31-32
    Jeremiah 49:36-37
    ‘Waters’ symbolize people.
    Revelation 17:15
    ‘Lion’, ‘bear’, ‘leopard’, and ‘fourth beast’ represent ‘four kings’
    Daniel 7:17
    They are the four universal kingdoms of Daniel chapter two, commencing with Babylon (lion), Medo-Persia (bear), Grecia (leopard), and Rome (fourth beast).
  3. What was peculiar about the fourth beast?
    Daniel 7:7-8
  4. What did the ten horns represent?
    Daniel 7: 23-24
  5. Name the kingdoms represented by the ten horns, as given in history.
    ‘The western empire of Rome, between the years AD356 and 483, was divided into ten division, or kingdoms:
    1. The Huns (Alemanni or Germans) in Hungary, 356;
    2. The Ostrogoths in Mysia, 377;
    3. The Visigoths in Pannonia, 378;
    4. The Franks in France, 407;
    5. The Vandals in Africa, 407;
    6. The Suevi and Alans in Gascoigne and Spain, 407;
    7. The Burgundians in Burgundy, 407;
    8. The Heruli and Rugii in Italy, 476;
    9. the Saxons and Angles in Britain, 476;
    10. The Lombards in Germany, 483.’ – Machiavelli.
  6. What came up in the midst of these ten?
    Daniel 7:8
    ‘While the prophet was considering these ten horns, he saw another little horn springing up among them. This evidently points out the power of the church and bishop of Rome.’ – Scott’s Commentary.’
    How did it look?
    Daniel 7:20
  7. In what way was this power ‘diverse’ from the others?
    Daniel 7:24
    It was an ecclesiastical power; the others were political .
  8. What would it do to make a place for itself?
    Daniel 7:24
  9. What three kingdoms were plucked up?
    Heruli, AD 493;
    Vandals, AD 534;
    Ostogoths, AD 538.
    These three Arian powers would not recognize the Bishop of Rome as the head of the church.
  10. After this little horn was established, what would it say and attempt to do?
    Daniel 7:25
    Blasphemous Titles. – The Pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man but as it were God, and the vicar of God.’
  11. What time is mentioned in god’s law?
    the seventh-day Sabbath.
  12. What change does Rome claim to have made in the Sabbath?
    From the seventh day to the first day.
  13. Has it really made any changes in God’s law?
    No, it could only think to change it.
    Daniel 7:25
    Question – Has the church power to make any alteration in the commendations of God?’
    ‘Answer – Instead of the seventh day, and other festivals appointed by the old law, the church has prescribed the Sundays and holy days to be set apart for God’s worship; and these we are now obliged to keep in consequence of God’s commandment, instead of the ancient Sabbath.’ – The Catholic Christian Instructed.
    ‘The Catholic church for over one thousand years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission, change the [Sabbath] day from Saturday to Sunday.’ – ‘The Catholic Mirror,’ September 23, 1893.
  14. For how long would this power sway the world?
    Daniel 7:25
    (A ‘time’ in symbolic language represents a year.
    See Daniel 11;13 margin;
    Ezekiel 4:6
    Numbers 14:34).
    ‘Three times and a half: that is , for 1,260 solar years, reckoning a time for a calendar year of 360 days, and a day for a solar year. After which the judgment is to sit, and they shall take away his dominion, not at once, but by degrees, to consume, and to destroy it unto the end.’ – Sir Isaac Newton in ‘Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St John.’
  15. When did it end?
    1260 plus 538 equals 1798.
  16. What happened this year to break its dominion completely?
    Berthier, general of the French army, entered Rome and took the pope captive.
  17. What great work was to follow 1798?
    Daniel 7:26, 9-11
  18. Who will have a part in the kingdom of God?
    Daniel 7:13-14, 18, 27.