Bible Study 15

  1. When was the Sabbath made?
    Genesis 2:1-3
  2. Who made it?
    John 1:1-3, 14
    Ephesians 3:9
    Colossians 1:13-17
    ‘Moses says, that in just six days the world, and all that is therein, was made, and that the seventh day was rest, and a release from the labour of such operations; whence it is that we celebrate a rest from our labours on that day, and call if the Sabbath, which word denotes rest in the Hebrew tongue.’ – Josephus in ‘History of the Jews’ (Whiston’s translation ).
  3. How is the work of the Creator described?
    Genesis 1:31
    Genesis 2:1-3
  4. For whom was the Sabbath made?
    Mark 2:27
  5. How does God regard the Sabbath?
    Exodus 20:8-11
    Isaiah 58:13-14
    Mark 2:28
    Revelation 1:10
    ‘God’s sanctifying the day is equivalent to His commanding men to sanctify it. As at the close of the creation, the seventh day was thus set apart by the Most High for such purposes, without limitation to age or country, the observance is obligatory upon the whole human race to whom, in the wisdom of Providence, it may be communicated.’ – Dr Albert Barnes.
  6. Of what is the Sabbath a memorial?
    Exodus 20:8-11
    Psalm 111:4
    ‘The religious observance of the Sabbath was the first statue or command of God to men. This institution was a sign between God and them to keep them in remembrance of the creation of the world.’ – Dr Adam Clarks’ Commentary.’
  7. By what miracle did God designate the Sabbath in the weekly cycle?
    This miracle was repeated every week for forty years, definitely marking the Sabbath 2,080 times.
    Exodus 16:4-5, 14-30
  8. Did Christ and His disciples keep the Sabbath?
    Luke 4:16
    Matthew 24:15-20
  9. Did the disciples keep the Sabbath after the crucifixion?
    Luke 23:56
    Acts 13:42-44
    Acts 16:13
    Acts 17:2
    Acts 18:4
  10. Did Christ change the Sabbath?
    Matthew 5:17-18
    ‘the reason for which the commandment itself was originally given, namely, as a memorial of God’s having rested from the creation of the world, cannot be transferred from the seventh day to the first; nor can any new motive be substituted in its place, whether the resurrection of our Lord or any other, without the sanction of a divine commandment.’ – Prose Works of John Milton (Bohn edition ).
  11. Are Christians under obligation to keep the Sabbath?
    1 John 2:3-6
    Isaiah 56:1-2
    Isaiah 58:13-14
  12. Is the Sabbath of ‘Paradise Lost’ to be the Sabbath of ‘Paradise Restored’?
    Isaiah 66:22-23
    Revelation 22:14